Marley Roof Tiles Keele Site Case
A case study in Dust Suppression
Founded 1924. Marley are the UK’s market leader in holistic roofing systems. They have vast experience in manufacturing pitched roof tiles and roofing products over the course of the last 100 years. Traditional techniques are enhanced by technological advances and precision engineering to ensure that their roofing systems deliver the highest quality and performance, making them able to withstand even the most challenging of weather conditions. They are the only UK manufacturer offering all elements of a roofing system including; Clay + concrete tiles, Shingles, Roofing accessories & BS 5534 compliant JB Red Batten Their Keele site has modern production lines and also produce quality hand-made Marley roof tiles and are an employer of around 140 people.

Location | UK |
Customer | Marley |
Sector | Roof Tiles |
The Mist-air Solution:
Installed in 2018 mist-air have installed three systems onsite, suppressing airborne dust and silica from the sand plant, kiln car repair area, clay prep, sanding area, hand made brick area, and two production factories. This has been achieved by generating a micro fine and blowing and separating the fog with fan assisted manifolds. The fog floats in the air suppressing airborne dust but without creating wetting on personal, floors, equipment or their moisture sensitive products.
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